Abstract Quantifying sex-specific additive genetic variance (VA) in fitness, and the cross-sex genetic correlation (rA), is prerequisite to predicting evolutionary dynamics and the magnitude of sexual conflict. Further, quantifying VA and rA in underlying fitness components, and genetic consequences of immigration and resulting gene flow, is required to identify mechanisms that maintain VA in fitness. However, these key parameters have rarely been estimated in wild populations experiencing natural environmental variation and immigration. We used comprehensive pedigree and life history data from song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to estimate VA and rA in sex-specific fitness and underlying fitness components, and to estimate additive genetic effects of immigrants alongside inbreeding depression. We found evidence of substantial VA in female and male fitness, with a moderate positive cross-sex rA. There was also substantial VA in male but not female adult reproductive success, and moderate VA in juvenile survival but not adult annual survival. Immigrants introduced alleles with negative additive genetic effects on local fitness, potentially reducing population mean fitness through migration load, but alleviating expression of inbreeding depression. Our results show that VA for fitness can be maintained in the wild, and be broadly concordant between the sexes despite marked sex-specific VA in reproductive success. (2020-06-30)
Usage notes Wolak_et_al_SOSP_fitness_QG_DataData for **SEX-SPECIFIC ADDITIVE GENETIC VARIANCES AND CORRELATIONS FOR FITNESS IN A SONG SPARROW (MELOSPIZA MELODIA) POPULATION SUBJECT TO NATURAL IMMIGRATION AND INBREEDING** by Wolak, Arcese, Keller, Nietlisbach, & Reid published in *Evolution* These data come from the long-term song sparrow field study on Mandarte Island, BC, Canada. The data provided here are sufficient to replicate the analyses presented in the above paper, and are therefore a restricted subset of the full Mandarte dataset. If you are interested in running additional analyses that require further data then please get in touch with at least one (preferably all) of the following project leaders: - Prof Peter Arcese (University of British Columbia): - Prof Lukas Keller (University of Zurich): - Prof Jane Reid (University of Aberdeen): We are always happy to develop collaborations with researchers who have good ideas for new analyses. We would also appreciate it if you could let us know if you are intending to make use of the dataset below in order to facilitate coordination of different ongoing research efforts and allow us to keep track of all outputs from the long-term field Wolak_et_al_SOSP_fitness_QG_AnalysisCodeCode for **SEX-SPECIFIC ADDITIVE GENETIC VARIANCES AND CORRELATIONS FOR FITNESS IN A SONG SPARROW (MELOSPIZA MELODIA) POPULATION SUBJECT TO NATURAL IMMIGRATION AND INBREEDING** by Wolak, Arcese, Keller, Nietlisbach, & Reid published in *Evolution* These data come from the long-term song sparrow field study on Mandarte Island, BC, Canada. The data provided here are sufficient to replicate the analyses presented in the above paper, and are therefore a restricted subset of the full Mandarte dataset. If you are interested in running additional analyses that require further data then please get in touch with at least one (preferably all) of the following project leaders: - Prof Peter Arcese (University of British Columbia): - Prof Lukas Keller (University of Zurich): - Prof Jane Reid (University of Aberdeen): We are always happy to develop collaborations with researchers who have good ideas for new analyses. We would also appreciate it if you could let us know if you are intending to make use of the dataset below in order to facilitate coordination of different ongoing research efforts and allow us to keep track of all outputs from the long-term field study.Wolak_et_al_fitness_AnalysisCode.R (2020-06-30)
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