Abstract Despite a great deal of theoretical attention, we have limited empirical data about how ploidy influences the rate of adaptation. We evolved isogenic haploid and diploid populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for 200 generations in seven different environments. We measured the competitive fitness of all ancestral and evolved lines against a common competitor and find that in all seven environments haploid lines adapted faster than diploids, significantly so in three environments. We apply theory that relates the rates of adaptation and measured effective population sizes to the properties of beneficial mutations. We obtained rough estimates of the average selection coefficients in haploids between 2-10% for these first selected mutations. Results were consistent with semi-dominant to dominant mutations in four environments and recessive to additive mutations in two other environments. These results are consistent with theory that predicts haploids should evolve faster than diploids at large population sizes. (2020-06-24)
Usage notes Raw data to calculate rate of adaptationRaw dataset for rate of adaptation calculations (Figure 1) and related statistics.dataall.csv R code to analyze raw data for rate of adaptationCompetition Analysis.R Raw data to calculate effective population sizesdatacount.csv R code to analayze effective population sizesR code used to analyze effective population sizes; Figure 2Cell Count Ne.R R code to determine our best estimate of the dominance coefficient in each environmentR code to produce figures 3, S4, S5 -- what is the best estimate of dominance? Note, competition and effective population size R code must be run first in the same session.what is h.R (2020-06-24)
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