Leisure, lifestyle, and lifecycle project (LLLP): A longitudinal study of gambling in Alberta [Canada]

Version 2.2
Leisure, lifestyle, and lifecycle project (LLLP): A longitudinal study of gambling in Alberta [Canada]
el-Guebaly, Nady; Casey, David M.; Currie, Shawn R.; Hodgins, David C.; Schopflocher, Donald P.; Smith, Garry J.; Williams, Robert J., 2019, "Leisure, lifestyle, and lifecycle project (LLLP): A longitudinal study of gambling in Alberta [Canada]", https://doi.org/10.5683/SP2/Z7YEYI, Borealis, V2, UNF:6:+hfGHp7F70pW36eU5RAWGQ== [fileUNF]
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Gambling Research Exchange Ontario


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The Gambling Research Exchange Ontario

55 Wyndham St, North, Suite 214A , Guelph, Ontario, N1H 7T8



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