The notes field contains the full MEDLINE (Ovid) search strategy for cultural connection, mental health (anxiety and depression), and youth. The file in this dataset contains the full MEDLINE (Ovid), PsycInfo (Ovid), and CINAHL (EBSCO) search strategies for cultural connection, mental health (anxiety and depression), and youth. (2021-07-27)
| 1 ((Cultural adj (continuity or identity or identification or engagement or belief* or tradition*)) or (cultur* adj3 connect*) or (bicultural identity or bi-cultural identity or enculturation or traditional knowledge or heritage culture or ethnic self-identification)).tw,kf. 6436 2 (racial identity or ethnic identity or acculturation).ti,kf. or racial identity.ab. /freq=2 or ethnic identity.ab. /freq=2 or acculturation.ab. /freq=3 4005 3 Cultural Characteristics/ or Culture/ 49407 4 Social Identification/ or Resilience, Psychological/ 16331 5 3 and 4 1170 6 1 or 2 or 5 11162 7 mental disorders/ or exp mental health services/ or self-injurious behavior/ or suicide/ or suicidal ideation/ or suicide, attempted/ or suicide, completed/ or exp depressive disorders/ or exp anxiety disorders/ 464102 8 Mental Health/ 45159 9 (wellness or wellbeing or well-being or distress or mental health or resilience).tw,kf. 412136 10 (mental ill-health or mental disorder* or mental illness* or depressive or depression or anxiety or anxious mood or low mood or suicid* or self-harm* or self-injurious).ti,ab,kf. 648243 11 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 1164383 12 6 and 11 2260 13 adolescent/ 2108767 14 (pediatric* or paediatric* or school* or juvenil* or underage* or under age* or teen* or minor or minors or youth or youths or adolescen* or pubescen* or puberty or young people or college student* or university student* or high school student* or secondary school student* or emerging adult*).tw,kf. 1356490 15 (adolescen* or pediatric* or paediatric*).jw. 546621 16 Young Adult/ or young adult*.tw,kf. 1002049 17 or/13-16 3719818 18 12 and 17 1060 |