These data were collected as part of a study seeking to link initiation of calling and calling intensity of frogs in Eastern Ontario to local variation in microclimate and environment. Curtis Marsh (N W is one of a number of sites at QUBS that was chosen for this, part of a survey that in 2012 encompassed over 25 sites from Bon Echo Provincial Park to St. Lawrence Islands National Park. Early data included only air temperature and humidity but this has expanded to include other variables including soil temperature and water temperature, as well as precipitation.
Climate, Frogs, Microclimate, Environment, Bon Echo Provincial Park, St. Lawrence Island National Park, Air temperature, Humidity, Soil temperature, Water temperature, Curtis Marsh |
| Type: Note: Notes:
Ordinal date is synonymous with Julian Date (Jan 1st = 1, Jan 2 = 2, etc.)
Values are daily averages from hourly readings
Ave_daily_temp F/C = Average daily air temperature 2m from the ground in Fahrenheit or Celsius
Ave_daily_RH% = Average daily relative humidity (%) 2m from the ground
Ave_daily_dewPt F/C = Average daily dew Point 2m from the ground in Fahrenheit or Celsius
ave_daily_soiltemp F/C = Average daily soil temperature just below the leaf litter in Fah renheit or Celsius
ave_daily_watertemp F/C = Average daily water temperature 6cm from the surface of the water in Fahrenheit or Celsius
NA = not applicable. In later years there other data were collected so for consistency we include these fields here. ; |