The CPEDB began at the Centre for Learning, Social Economy and Work (CLSEW) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) as part of the Changing Workplaces in a Knowledge Economy (CWKE) project. The CPEDB (Nov 6, 2023 version) covers the following areas (in order): demography, family/household, class/labour, government, electoral democracy, inequality (economic, political & gender), health, environment, internet, macro-economic and financial variables. In its present form, it contains annual data on 727 variables from 12 countries (alphabetically listed): Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. Some of the variables date back to the early 20th Century, and most date from the 1960s to 1980's up to 2019 to 2022. These variables have been derived from many databases; the main ones are OECD (their Statistics and Family Databases), World Bank, ILO, IMF, WHO, WIID (World Income Inequality Database), OWID (Our World in Data), Parlgov (Parliaments and Governments Database), and V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy). For a current list of the variable names and their labels in the CPEDB data base see the excel file Outline of CPEDB file of Nov 6, 2023, variables and charts. This data base was initially conceived and developed by Dr. Wally Seccombe (independent scholar) and Dr. D.W. Livingstone (Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto). Both are Research Associates of CLSEW at OISE/UT. They will continue to participate in its further development. Faculty and students at the Institute for Political Economy at Carleton University are currently involved in further development of this database and several subsidiary databases both on the UT borealis dataverse and in Carleton Library's borealis area. When fully developed, we will inform scholars and academic associations in all 12 countries of the release of all statistical CPEDB data. The CPEDB data should become a valuable resource for many researchers in these countries. All interested researchers are encouraged to review the publicly accessible files at and to contact Seccombe and Livingstone for use of the SPSS data files and to suggest further development. Email Addresses: Wally Seccombe, D.W. Livingstone,
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1 to 4 of 4 Results
Mar 27, 2024
Seccombe, Wally, 2024, "V-Dem v 12 dataset, all variables, trimmed to 12 countries",, Borealis, V1
From the massive set of V-Dem v 12 variables, we have inserted 27 in the main CPEDB dataset. Here is the entire set, organized in an excel file to match their country/year rows in the main SPSS file. This precise correspondence makes it easy to insert other variables from the V-D...
Mar 27, 2024
Seccombe, Wally, 2023, "CPEDB Main Dataset and Documentation",, Borealis, V2, UNF:6:Kx6LRsQ1T5+rv9VKM9aDew== [fileUNF]
The CPEDB (Nov 6, 2023 version) covers the following areas (in order): demography, family/household, class/labour, government, electoral democracy, inequality (economic, political & gender), health, environment, internet, macro-economic and financial variables. In its present for...
Dec 1, 2023
Seccombe, Wally, 2023, "29 Covid 19 related variables from OWID for 12 countries from Jan 2020",, Borealis, V1, UNF:6:zQZCZdvFISHjOC/vylX3vQ== [fileUNF]
29 variables from OWID's Covid 19 dataset, daily data from Jan 26, 2020 to Aug 2, 2023 for the same 12 countries as in the main CPEDB SPSS file: Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.
Sep 6, 2023
Seccombe, Wally, 2023, "Replication Data for: CPEDB presents annual data on 12 developed capitalist countries",, Borealis, V1, UNF:6:PNtcG+HWTtS4i+0PpB+qFA== [fileUNF]
The main SPSS dataset of over 700 variables covers 11 sections on 12 developed capitalist electoral democracies. (see Outline file included here for an overview of both sections and countries included, with the names in order of every variable and label.) The second SPSS file is...
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